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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The most amazing person in my life has the most...not amazing mother. who will eventually be my mother-in-law. i'm nothing like her and we don't have much in common. I actually don't even like her as a person. now i know i'm not the first person to have to complain about this, but...i will continue to complain :) i love him so much, but her?

I am supposed to go to her house today and watch a football game. i know its unamerican, but i really really can not get into a football game. so it kinda sucks. i'm really only going over there to see him and to eat the nachos and dip :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

I just don't have time :/

i need to read more. well...i want to try at least. and i want to read the classic books that intelligent people read and analyze and mull over. and then when i finish reading (or maybe while i read) them i will join in on the analyzing and mulling over. i have a plethora of books ive collected from teachers, giveaways, yardsales, and library sales that i havent delved into. and ya know what, if you are interested, i will sell them for a small sum of money. i will post a list of books i have, and tell which ones im willing to sell and for how much. but its late  and i can't do that right now! i think i may start tonight with jane eyre. i think this will be fun :)

High school is awesome!!

I was NOT one of those people who lived it up in high school. I didn't do parties, didn't have boyfriends, and my friends totally hated me. It seemed like teachers hated me too, and school work was boring and redundent. Now that I'm in college, I am having a blast. I schedule everything and I'm doing great in all my classes. However, life in general is kicking my ass! I need a better job, I need to save money, I'm beginning to hate the government, and even tho I live in the bible belt, every church seems to just be full of stuck up people who look down on me. I'm gonna be real honest right now. I believe in God and Jesus, but i have a hard time picking up religion and following it. I lack the filter that most Christians have. So I don't really hang out with many. I'm not going to sit here and tell you guys I'm a great christian, I love everybody, and I don't have my share of sins. I'm not like that. Anywho, this is just my pilot post. Which btw are going to generally be me spitting out my random thoughts about my day so enjoy :) there will be many more to come.